Our Story

A real connection to nature through our beautiful designs.

Bee Box Bling Artwork Wraps are specifically crafted to bring a little ‘Bling’ to your apiary.

Who we are

Hi, we're Jodie and Kirstin! Bee Box Bling started in 2022 from our love of art and desire to bring a little pizazz to the ancient practice of beekeeping. We are a family duo (Aunt & Niece); our creativity and unique skillsets have drawn us together on this wonderful journey. We both feel passionate about bringing inspiration to your backyard apiaries. We truly feel inspired at the thought of our customers being surrounded by our beautiful art each time you look at your apiary and work your hives.

Our art is bespoke, it has been carefully designed with the health of your bees in mind as well as careful consideration to what type of designs might be appealing to our fellow beekeepers. This all began with a family member purchasing four nucleus hives and that ignited a creative spark to turn those boring white boxes into something that is aesthetically pleasing in any backyard.

To make this happen, we have spent many hours planning, researching, painting, prototyping and developing our supporting information to ensure our products are fit for purpose and that our customers feel supported at every step, we are caring people and hope that shows in the care we have taken to look after you.

How we work

We have opted for a direct to apiarist distribution model via our website but do also welcome apiary suppliers to becoming a stockist for our bee box wraps. If you are interested in becoming a stockist, please email beeboxbling@gmail.com.

Our passion for design and creativity will continue and we plan to release new collections on a regular basis.